XV Portugal Junior International 2023

Transport from/to the airport

Schedule about transport from/to the airport and sports venue is foreseen from the official hotels is available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13KCcP3LQz0vrlUwvbbcYtJeDeHu3NLoB/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105855121430933130025&rtpof=true&sd=true (updated in real time). If you FIND your name that means your transport is confirmed and bus/driver will wait for you. No addition mails will be sent. If you DO NOT find your name or it’s...
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Draws – XV Portugal Junior International 2023

The draw for the XV Portugal Junior International 2023 is available in https://bwf.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/draws.aspx?id=8ce1ea96-08fc-496f-bbb8-16df82e438f7 The seeding and the draw have been done according to the BWF Junior Rankings from 7 November 2023. Detailed schedule here https://bwf.tournamentsoftware.com/tournament/8CE1EA96-08FC-496F-BBB8-16DF82E438F7/matches
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Entry list – XV Portugal Junior International 2023

The entry list for the XV Portugal Junior International 2023 has been published and is available at https://bwf.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/acceptancelist.aspx?id=8ce1ea96-08fc-496f-bbb8-16df82e438f7 . For selecting the players/pairs the BWF Junior Rankings from 31 October 2023 has been used. Please note that until withdrawal deadline, Monday, November 13 11:59 PM GMT, all withdrawals must be done online by respective Member...
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Critérios de Participação – XV Portugal Junior International 2023

Oficio-117_2023-Criterios-Participacao-XV-Portugal-Junior-International-2023 Ofício 117_2023
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XV Portugal Junior International – Umpire Invitation

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XV Portugal Junior International – Accommodation Form

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XV Portugal Junior International – Invitation

Invitation – XV Portugal Junior International 2023 – finalDescarregar
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XV Portugal Junior International – Practice court form

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XV Portugal Junior International – Transport form

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XV Portugal Junior International – VISA application form

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